Jessie and Justin in Germany

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Pumpkin carving.....

Josh has been fantastic with Grace and likes to have a little cuddle in the morning....

Bit of a texture phobe, so the pumpkin wasn't a huge hit.....


Josh decided he was going to be a hockey player fro Hallowe'en. He refused to take his helmet or anything else off to get in the car. So, this is him riding to a friends house..... You'd cry to if you were dressed like a strawberry.....

Friday, September 26, 2008

Baby Grace Elizabeth Davis....

This is the newest edition to the Davis family. Grace Elizabeth Davis was born on September 23, 2008. She was 8 pounds and 15 ounces. A Big Baby! Josh is happy to have a baby sister and Jessie and the baby are doing well!

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Sweet Dreams...

With the baby on his/her way, Josh has been practising being a big brother with none other than "Baby Willy". This isn't to say that we are having a boy. To be honest, I'm not sure at all -- Only Justin can say (but as many of you know, he's keeping a tight lip!). Josh takes Willy everywhere he goes. Poor "White Bear" has taken the back burner with this new addition.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Butterfly Conservatory....

We went to the Butterfly Conservatory today as a family (It's nice to be done hockey). Josh saw fish, turtles and of course butterflies.

Josh and a baby butterfly......

Notice what the humidity did to his hair as the day progressed. It turned in a bit of a Jeri-Curl look.....

March Pictures....

Joshua has this thing where he has to where a diaper on his head. Thankfully, there are clean ones but time will tell.....

Of course when Josh is happy, everyone is happy. Hence, the diaper on my head...

.....and yes, it is Sports Illustrated!

Birthday cont'd.....

With Mom...

Josh's Birthday!

My mom made his "Bob the Builder" cake. He has a Bob obsession....

Josh and his cousin Brianna......

January Pictures...

He's an active sleeper!

My brother Kyle and Grandma Smith....

Jess' brother Dylan and sister Jacquie....

My dad and Josh....

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Delayed Christmas Pictures....

This is Josh on his new Thomas the Train couch. I was tired of sharing our couch with him!
His first haircut! He was distracted by the TV's showing Thomas and riding in the train. Do you you see a theme here?

Joshua figuring out "Santa" ate the cookies and drank his milk.

Jim, Josh and Jess....

Sunday, November 04, 2007


Thursday, November 01, 2007


Well.....Josh went out as a chicken for Hallowe'en. We chose it because his chicken noise is one of the best in his animal repetoire. Jessie is still dressed up from her day at school (she did not dress up for trick or treating).....
Unfortunately, Josh had more energy between houses then at the door!

This is Joshua at the end of the night. I think Hallowe'en took its' toll on him!